Jump Ring Chains
A while ago I stumbled upon The Bead Man and it's literally the most amazing site if you're intrested in making jump ring chains and don't know how to do or simply want some inspiration. The patterns are free and it's also possible to buy jump rings and supplies from the site if you live in the US, Canada or England. Since I don't do that, but still wanted to get some jump rings I orded some from Etsy, from HopscotchCraftSupply. 1500 pcs of silver jump rings are 5,59 $ and the shipping to Sweden is approximately 16 $. I ordered two sets of 1500 pcs and I was really happy with the product. The shipping was super fast (I ordered it on a Saturday and got it on the Wednesday or Thursday I think). I have until now made three different chains. The instructions to the celtic chain and the japanese 6in1 can be found here.

Unfinnished Celtic Jump Ring Chain

A slight alteration of the Japanese 6in1

The Japanese 6in1
The two first chains are both bracelets and the third one is a belt. One thing that I really love with these jump ring chains is that they can both be worn with everyday clothing aswell as Viking/Medieval clothing. However, one thing that did bothered me was that the jump rings tend to bend quite easily so if a chain is stretched it is very likely that it will snap and you'll end up with jump rings all over the floor. So be a bit careful.