The Doctor Who evening
I know it's been almost (more than!) a week since I was at the Doctor Who evening that The English Bookshop had arranged but I thought that it was better late than never to post a review-ish thing about it.
Sooo, I hadn't had the time to do a complicated costume but I still wanted to dress up so I decided to do a TARDIS inspired look (and sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, I took them with my iPhone since I had forgotten to bring my camera...)
Confession of the day: I'm quite fond of painting my nails so I did a Doctor Who inspired nail art especially for the evening.
Pinky fingers: Sylver McCoy-inspired/Matt Smith-inspired.
Ring fingers: Dalek/Union Jack
Middle fingers: Snow monster/The empty child
Index fingers: How many times I've seen the Silence/David Tennant-inspired
Thumbs: Dalek/Doctor Who-logo
Well, the evening wasn't really about what I wore or how my nails looked like but Sylvester McCoy. The evening started off with some information about the Seventh Doctor and Sylvester McCoy. After that Sylvester McCoy entered the stage and had a wonderful conversation with Kristina R(something...). They talked about everything from how McCoy got into acting, what he thought when the show was suspended, The Hobbit and the future. It was really intresting to listen to him and he was so incredibly funny! I never thought that he actually was like that in real life, but apparently he was. After some time there was time for a question session and instead of sitting down Sylvester McCoy went to those in the audience that had a question.
A close-up of Who?
After all the questions there was an intermission where you could buy Doctor Who merchandize and take a photo with Sylvester McCoy. I had to restrain myself from buying too much stuff but I let myself buy to things which I'll show later. I took (of course) a photo with the Doctor himself (and I even spoke to him :D ).
When the intermission was over there was a fashion show (which I participated in). It was so fun to see all the others who had dressed up, some of them had really put an effort into their clothes! The evening drew towards its end and I went home really happy and pleased with how the evening had turned out. Here's the two things I bought;

River Song's Diary och en TARIDS-mugg